Welcome to Wiilson's Tribe

You are never alone in your business with Wiilson.

A Premier Q&A and Networking Platform for


Tap into an abundance of valuable resources and knowledge through your new found connections!

Embrace the spirit of our digital

Tribal Island Community

“Discover a hidden gem within the Facebook universe. Our extraordinary exclusive group merges technology, creativity, and a contagious passion for innovation, creating a haven of excitement and limitless opportunities.

Step into a world where Wiilson’s Tribe becomes a catalyst for transformative ideas, collaborations, and extraordinary connections. Immerse yourself in our themed digital tribal island community, where Tribal Councils, captivating Traditions, uplifting Spirit Gatherings, delightful Feasts, and invigorating tribal dances await!

Whether you are seeking guidance, valuable connections, or simply a place to unwind? Wiilson awaits!”

Wiilson’s Tribe is very active and can only be found through a Private Group access page on Facebook. The “Join Now” links on this page will take you there!

Why Facebook?

  • * Outsiders won't have any access to the contents unless they are accepted as members of Wiilson’s Tribe.

  • * The moderators (Big Kahuna’s) can oversee and manage members to banish any tribe-member who might be abusive, spamming and/or does not have the values and helpfulness of other tribe members. (safe environment)

  • * There is less probability of fake profiles joining in.

  • * Exclusivity helps the Tribe grow. (ABN holders only)

  • * Easy to share personal feelings about business problems, as we’ve all been there!

  • * Other members can be notified of your post to encourage interaction, assistance and point of view.

  • * Business Coaches (other than certified Business Coaches attached to the Business Advice Agency) are excluded

    from the Tribe as the Big Kahuna's are afraid of bad medicine from unknown Tribal Leaders.

Do you have an issue that's looming over your business? Wiilson's been there.

Have a crisis that’s been giving you hives? Wiilson’s an expert in removing hives.

Did you just run face-first into a proverbial brick wall? Wiilson will help you break through that wall.

You can get quick responses to any business related question twenty-four hours a day. Because Wiilson doesn’t sleep…he is here 24 hours of every day.

When you have a business-related nightmare at 3am and can’t get back to bed, just post your question to Wiilson and you’ll get loads of responses.

Wiilson’s an expert when it comes to answering questions about sales, marketing, finance, or whatever you might need help with. And it is okay to ask for help. Plus you can GIVE help to other Wiilson tribes people too.

Where did the inspiration for Wiilson originate from, you may ask?

Taking inspiration from the tale of Tom Hanks in the movie "Cast Away," where he found himself stranded on a desolate island, we discover that he resorted to a remarkable solution to preserve his sanity. In his solitude, he conceived the idea of a fictional companion, fashioning a makeshift friend out of an old volleyball. With a simple face drawn upon it, he christened his companion "Wilson." Tom engaged in countless conversations with Wilson every day, finding solace in this imaginary camaraderie.

And so, we present to you "Wiilson," a digital incarnation of the affable Wilson, designed specifically for business owners. Each day, they can engage in enlightening discussions, addressing their problems, conversing about everyday matters, and sharing laughter. Wiilson is a constant presence, available 24/7, and possesses exceptional networking abilities!

With Wiilson by their side, business owners need not endure the loneliness of their entrepreneurial journey. They can find solace, guidance, and even a few laughs in the company of this digital companion, forging a connection that blurs the line between the virtual and the real. Let the adventures with Wiilson commence!

Join Wiilson Today

The community Has Been Waiting For You.


Exclusive to Business Owners.


Why Wiilson Works For You?


Wiilson is a community of business owners just like you. This collective experience and wisdom can help your business by asking for help on issues and topics others may have also experienced and resolved.

Tribal Councils

If you have asked for help from the Wiilson Tribes but still not able to get the answers or help you need, you simply refer it through to the Tribal Council where they can seek the answers you need.

Big Kahuna's

To help our community further, we have the Big Kahuna's you can ask. They are specialists in things like marketing, sales, finance, HR, social media etc. Get the answers direct from industry experts.

Survive & Thrive

Surviving in business can be tough. We can show you how to survive and by learning from our community- what works, what doesn't, what to do next.

Lighting your Fire

Its hard to be operating at 100% motivation by going it alone. Get inspiration, advice and care from your Wiilson Tribe and help overcome any roadblocks.


Who do you turn too when you desperately need help in your business? Wiilson. Our unique tribe of members and big kahunas will get you help- fast!

From Wiilson's Tribe

Valuable Guides, Tips and Articles From Our Community...

Your Why To Buy

Understanding the real reason someone may wish to buy your product or service is critical for sales success. We call this ‘why to buy’ and it must resonate with your buyer’s most pressing problem. What is the primary reason someone would want to buy your product or...

Worst Sales Tactics

So many outdated sales tactics actually turn customers ‘off’ and block the buying process or exchange. Most likely, you feel uncomfortable using them yourself and instinctively know that customers tend to react negatively when you use them.This is because customers...

Getting to No 1 Google

Ranking on the first page of the Google search results has always been tricky to achieve and is a testament to a business’ digital marketing prowess. In this blog, we’ll show you how to improve your Google ranking to increase your brand’s visibility, score more clicks...

Save Me Wiilson - Sign me up!

Prepare to embark on a fantastic adventure with our extraordinary band of sole traders, micro-businesses, and small to medium business owners. At Wiilson, we're masters of the trade, ready to tackle any quandary you might have, whether it's sales, marketing, finance, or even decoding the mysteries of the “Tax Man” (well, almost).

Now, here's the best part: You're just a click away from joining "Wiilson's Tribe" and gaining access to our Private Wiilson Facebook page, where the magic truly happens. It's like finding the secret entrance to a fantastical realm, where the entrepreneurial tribes people and Big Kahuna’s all hang-out.

So, what are you waiting for? Click that shiny blue link below and step into the whimsical world of Wiilson. Together, we'll conquer the challenges, unlock the secrets, and create a business journey that's both successful and delightfully entertaining. Join us now, and let's make some entrepreneurial magic happen!


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